The Estuary

with   Kelley Mathews

Where Words, Art, and Faith Thrive

“Come today there’s no reason to wait. Jesus is calling.”

The other day I did something I often do as I drive the 17 miles between home and the kids’ school. I cried.

And, as usual, the tears were provoked by a song I was hearing on the radio. These tear ducts of mine are much too strong-willed and independent for my comfort. I can’t control them during worship. And that’s what I’m often doing in the car as I listen to Christian radio. (At least I’m alone there … the spontaneous weeping during church is a lot harder to hide!)

Here’s how this one went down: I heard the lyrics, which provoked a memory, which caused an immediate fit of weeping. The song that day was Elevation Worship’s “O Come to the Altar”:

I’ve heard this song countless times over the last few months, but a certain line of it fairly yelled at me this time. I assume God wanted me to think through that particular thought. In context, here it is, with the specific line bolded:

O come to the altar
The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ

Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
Come today there’s no reason to wait
Jesus is calling
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes a new life is born
Jesus is calling.

 “There’s no reason to wait.” It reminds me of 2 Corinthians 6:2, “… now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” As I listened that day, it also reminded me of a line from a school assignment that I have carefully stored for 34 years. In it, I was responding to a poem about Jesus, saying—in a rare moment of vulnerability—that it confused me and I didn’t want to think about it (thank you very much). I would think about it… later. To which my teacher replied, “You need to answer them now! It may be too late if you wait…”

Bless Mrs. Carter for her perseverance in the life of a stubborn, proud, scared kid.

She was right. Jesus is too important to put off. He’s done the hard work, proven his love for you and me. He invites us to himself. “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).
“Come today, there’s no reason to wait.”
What are you waiting on? Do you feel unworthy? He said that he came to call not the righteous but sinners (Matt 9:13). He offers forgiveness, renewal, new life, a washing clean. When we accept his gift of love and forgiveness, we are what the Bible calls “in Christ.” And, “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Cor 5:17).
Tempted to wallow in your past? What there is worthy of clinging to except a false security in what is familiar? Usually that’s shame or guilt or pride, none of which will survive your lifespan. Turn from your past, let the light of peace and truth shine into your heart and know that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1).
“Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy, from the ashes a new life is born. Jesus is calling.”
Don’t wait. If you share your salvation story with me, chances are I’ll shed a few tears of joy in your honor.


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