Though this site has been neglected for a good 18 months, my Patheos blog remains active (if a little slow). There you will find book recommendations and reviews along with other personal blog posts.
A New Book
Click on the Books page in the links above to see my latest edition. Sue Edwards and I teamed up again, this time to overhaul, update, and expand our first book (17 years old) so it could remain a vital resource for seminaries, Bible colleges, and churches.
Family News
Many readers will already have seen this information on my Facebook page, so forgive the repetition. Consider this post a sort of year-end wrap-up.
2019 has been a very busy year of accomplishments and adventures for members of my family, most notably our oldest son, who graduated high school then began studies at Texas A&M as a member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band, as well as my husband, who was hooded to signify earning his PhD in Educational Leadership. We are all proud of his long obedience to chip away at those classes and that dissertation.
We celebrated as a family by driving out West to see the Grand Canyon for the first time, tent camping during that first week in NM, AZ, and CO. From there we transitioned to a lovely condo on Mt. Crested Butte, which we used as home base for a week’s worth of exploratory day trips. Highlights included hiking, white-water rafting, shopping, and sleeping in real beds. The entire trip was fantastic.
Not least, the wine/grapes Christmas photo used on this site’s home page is the product of my middle son, Jack. Staged and photographed from his sophomore photography class. I’m very impressed, and grateful he allowed me to use it here. Isn’t it beautiful? Perfect for a holiday theme over here in my corner.
Two Links and Thoughts on Advent
I bet you are waiting on something. We all are. Waiting is usually hard: we want that good thing to hurry up and arrive, or we are desperate for that painful season to end. Writer Michelle Van Loon says, “For those of us who like sitcom-quick resolutions to problems, Advent is a season in the historical church year calendar that’s focused on the discipline and discomfort of learning to wait.”
“The world waits for the miracle, the heart waits for a little bit of hope. O come, O come, Emmanuel.” ~ From Lauren Daigle’s song. Listen for today’s bit of worship, and anticipate the coming of your savior.
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